작성자 | 이승관 | 작성일 | 2021-09-21 |
제목 | 산업카운슬러의 역할과 기대 (407) : Initiates Tacit knowledge | 조회수 | 1190 |
첨부파일 | |||
Initiates Tacit knowledge Discover Korean Hidden Treasures: Mt. Seollak(Snow covered Big Mountain) with Autumn colors of its magnificent views and ever seen landscapes. Face its comfort in Autumn. Look around Korean Hidden Treasures pathfinding our destination and vision for blessings. Life consists of 3:3:3 periods. Namely 3:3:3 based on 99:88. First 3 means Juvenile from children to adult's preparations, Second 3 as Professionals from social life initiatives to retirement at the ages 30 to 60 years old and 3rd 3 means from 60 to about 100 years called 99:88 based on wisdom periods have recorse to Calling from Almighty God to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is required that tacit knowledge is apt to be static if it stays without sweats. Success is depending on the cultivation of tacit knowledge. For the most part of us are easily accessible to static and customized information and lock-in knowledge. Unchangeable conviction is founded on unceasing sweats to develop existing paradigms and comforts. Innovative and creative solutions are available for challenging spirit both inner beings and the development of tacit domains. Customized and ready-made information and knowledge aren't compete with innovative and challenging spirit because they have guaranteed their unlimited vision and success based on wisdom not existing knowledge and digital technologies. It is prerequisites to having meaningful life in our life expectancy. Better ideas for collaborating with enhancing mutual prosperity and happiness. Eternal life is always giving us positive thoughts and self-efficacy producing more bestowed foundation for our life. Life is limited and valuable assets to be reserved for each of us. How about cultivating tacit domains to unlimited challenge spirits ? Happy Chuseok!!^^ |
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이전글 | 산업카운슬러의 역할과 기대 (408) : 융합형 제품의 제조-마케팅 통합화 전략 | 2021-09-22 |
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다음글 | 電(전)-‘에너지의 신’이 된 전기 | 2021-09-21 |