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작성자 이승관 작성일 2021-09-21
제목 산업카운슬러의 역할과 기대 (405) : Global E-Cluster based on pathfinding Convergence Initiatives with Sustainable Ecosystem 조회수 1173


Global E-Cluster based on pathfinding Convergence Initiatives with Sustainable Ecosystem 

Asia Silicon Valley's Pathfinder SNIC and Gacheon University get stride in collaborating with innovative platforms for SMEs in Seongnam High-tech Valley located in Seongnam City. SNIC initiated national projects for digital transformation based on Convergence Innovation Technology Support Center based on AI and ICT platforms. Hwangbo Vice President of Gacheon University said mutual collaboration with needs based projects enhanced core competitiveness for SMEs in Seongnam High-tech Valley. 



2020 Seongnam Hightech Valley's Vision Declaration Ceremony initiating Convergence Innovation Center, 'Challenge, Growth, Coexistence'


SNIC presides over Collaboration for SHV's CTSC

Seongnam Hightech Valley's Vision Pathfinder, SNIC(SeongNam Industrial Complex Corporation, initiates action plans with concerned parties enhancing Seongnam Hightech Valley's Convergence Innovation Technology Support Center(CTSC) opening 2021. 

As an Aim-high vision effort of its vision, SNIC collaborates with SKKU(SungKyunKwan University), KAIST, KETI, ETRI Gacheon University, etc specializing in AI, IoT and Robot building up Smart Complex in Seongnam Hightech Valley's digital transformation.

Mutual collaboration with professionals like SKKU, ETRI, KETI, KAIST concerning Seongnam Hightech Valley's Convergence Innovation Technology Support Center based on AI, IoT and ICT platforms for SMEs.

In the other hands, SNIC focuses on expanding SEONGNAM HIGHTECH VALLEY'S VISION FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era.

WHY SHV vs. PTV for reinvigorating Industrial Miracles

SHV(Seongnam Hightech Valley) initiates the spirit and innovation for Seongnam as Pathfinders of Global 4th Industrial Revolution Era in South Korea with PTV(Pangyo Technovalley).

Happily Collaborate with Seongnam Hightech Valley(SHV)'s SNIC(Seongnam Industrial Complex Corporation) enlighten SHV Vision Declaration Ceremony initiating Convergence Innovation Center, 'Challenge, Growth, Coexistence'.

Global 4th Industrial Revolution Era leading SEONGNAM INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT CENTER will be stand firm based on WIN-WIN SPIRITS.

Welcome to Asia Silicon Valley's Innovative Power Networker, SNIC(SeongNam Industrial Complex Corporation) as your unlimited Vision Pathfinder !!!

Seongnam City & SNIC's policy-making consultations for building up Asia Silicon Valley's Vision 

Asia Silicon Valley's Pathfinder SNIC(President Myunggi Sung, Seongnam Industrial Complex Corporation; stride in collaborating with Seongnam City's Finance and Economy Bureau(Director General Nam Seok Lee) concerning the development of Seongnam Hightech Valley's infrastructure and platforms enhancing SMEs' innovative solutions. Seongnam City's irector General Lee said City would like to collaborate with SNIC's pendings to be suggested. SNIC initiated national projects to build up innovative national Seongnam City and Ministry of Commerce & Industry. 

President Sung suggested that Asia Silicon Valley's suceess have recourse to activate Seongnam Hightech Valley's business models creating jobs and enhancing SMEs' competitiveness. Byungrang Yeo, Executive director of SNIC reported that SNIC's currents pendings to be solved and the master plans for 2021 Seongnam Hightech Valley's Convergence Innovation Technology Support Center and general plans for Seongnam Hightech Valley's Vision. 

In the other hands, Seongnam Hightech Valley's SMEs reach 3,800 numbers based on manufacturing clusters including electronics, Bio-Healthcare, etc.

SNIC-SKKU Collaboration for SHV's CTSC

Seongnam Hightech Valley's Vision Pathfinder, SNIC(SeongNam Industrial Complex Corporation,  action plans with concerned parties enhancing Seongnam Hightech Valley's Convergence Innovation Technology Support Center(CTSC) opening 2021. 

As an Aim-high vision effort of its vision, SNIC collaborates with SKKU(SungKyunKwan University) specializing in AI, IoT and Robot building up Smart Complex in Seongnam Hightech Valley's digital transformation.

Mutual collaboration with Heungbae LEE, Professor of SKKU concerning Seongnam Hightech Valley's Convergence Innovation Technology Support Center based on AI, IoT and ICT platforms for SMEs.

In the other hands, SNIC focuses on expanding SEONGNAM HIGHTECH VALLEY'S VISION FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era.
WHY SHV vs. PTV for reinvigorating Industrial Miracles

SHV(Seongnam Hightech Valley) initiates the spirit and innovation for Seongnam as Pathfinders of Global 4th Industrial Revolution Era in South Korea with PTV(Pangyo Technovalley).

Happily Collaborate with Seongnam Hightech Valley(SHV)'s SNIC(Seongnam Industrial Complex Corporation) enlighten SHV Vision Declaration Ceremony initiating Convergence Innovation Center, 'Challenge, Growth, Coexistence'.

SNIC-SNUBH for Seongnam Hightech Valley's Bio-Healthcare Cluster 

Asia Sillicon Valley Pathfinder, Gyeonggi Province & Seongnam City's industrial cluster hub SNIC(SeongnamIndustrialComplexCorporation  initiates global digital healthcare heralding SNUBH(Seoul National University Bundang Hospital) Collaboration building up Seongnam Hightech Valley's Convergence Innovation Technology Support Center based on seamless Bio-Healthcare C&D Platforms. 

SNIC and SNUBH will initiates Bio-Healthcare Clusters for 330 SMEs in Seongnam High-tech Valley. Recently SNIC(Seongnam Industrial Complex Corporation) won national projects for digital transformation and gets stride in innovating existing industrial complex into smart industrial cluster systems based on innovations & challenges. 

SNIC will cultivate start-up idea generation for seamless commercializing for young generations at Seongnam Hightech Valley's Convergence Innovation Technology Support Center. In the other hands, Seongnam Hightech Valley's Convergence Innovation Technology Support Center will be enhanced this region's 3,800 numbers both core competence and epoch-making innovation connected with collaborators.

SINC(SeongNam Industrial Complex Corporation) initiates VISION DECLARATION CEREMONEY for implementing The Strategy of SeongNam High TechValley Asia Sillicon Valley.

Asia Silicon Valley's Pathfinder SNIC gets stride in collaborating with innovative concerned parties enhancing Seongnam Hightech Valley's globalization and its competitiveness for SMEs reaching about 4,000 in SHV(Seongnam Hightech Valley) located in Seongnam City. SNIC(SEONGNAM INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX CORPORATION) provides global innovators for SMEs' connecting and development platforms.

Lee Seungkwan(Philosophyof Doctor in SungKyunKwanUniversity), CMC(Certified Management Consultant), Industrial Counselor and National Director of IG-WGCA Unlimited Energy WHQ Seongnam-KAIST LEADERSHIP Course & University of Hawaii ICBP(Inter-Cultural Business Program) Completed, Former Senior Researcher of Ulsan and Incheon Technopark [Co-author] Entrepreneurship Startups and Jobs Creation Spirits IT Convergence Strategy ESG MANAGEMENT etc