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B2B2C Biohealthcare Cluster An approach for global productivity enhancement strategy focusing on applying to Small Business Standards of IoT & E-Healthcare in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era based on the expansion of Competitive Biohealthcare Cluster Seung Kwan Lee , Senior Professional Business Consultant(Ph, D., Korea Certified Management Consultant) Former Senior Researcher of Ulsan & Incheon Technopark, General Manager(Ph.,D.), Bio & Well Aging Industry & Biohealthcare Department SeongNam Industry Promotion Agency Now Senior Management Consultant of Biocera Co., Ltd, KYK Hydrogen Science Co., Ltd, Geneslabs Co.,Ltd The SMEs is an important area in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era. Standardization benefits become apparent in all cases when a company must take into consideration the need for multiple editions of otherwise similar projects, perhaps using competing platfors from different vendors. Value comes from the ability to connect and work together with the products from other manufacturers, and the ability to share information across whole systems. Standardization helps reducing re-iteration of design and efforts intended to ensure interoperability, allowing SMEs to better concentrate into their core business. Users too benefit from the existence of standards, because they can design systems tailored to their needs while standing reasonably assured that the various parts fit together even if they come from different providers. This is especially the case for industrial domain applications, which are currently largely dominated by proprietary solutions. Keywords : SMEs, E-Healthcare, EHRs, Iot, 020, Eco-system, Remote Patient Monitoring, Seongnam Strategic Industry, FHIR, Interoperability. Bio Cluster, E-Healthcare <Contents> ¥°. Introduction ¥±. Strategies for Seongnam city¡¯s E-Health ¥². The value of Standards ¥³. Business opportunities for SMEs ¥´. Conclusion ¥°. Introduction The Internet of Things standards for SMEs. oneM2M is a global standards initiative for Machine-to-Machine and IoT technologies. Formed in 2012, it consists of eight of the world¡¯s preeminent standards development organizations, plus six industry for a and consortia and over 220 industrial members. oneM2M specifications provide a framework to support applications and services such as the smart grid, connected car, home automation, public safety and health. It is suitable for use in the industrial domain, providing an integration and communication backbone for the ¡®4th industrial revolution.¡¯ 1. Types of Standards Many industrial standards are tried to technologies that are controlled by large companies or groups of them. In many cases these proprietary standards drive the users towards exclusive adoption of the solutions provided by one large provider. IoT projects nearly always involve some form of integraion, requiring interaction with several parties at the same time. This may lead to limitations in the reuse of previous investments, reduced economies of scale, and a sort of dependency on the entity controlling the standards. Some standards are open and not controlled by single big players. They are designed to simplify interworking between different technologies and products. This is the case for oneM2M, which incorporates internetworking directly into its specifications. From a technical standpoint, the use of ontologies facilitates interoperability especially in larger projects that must handle data coming from many heterogenous sources. 2. SMEs in Numbers and Barriers There were more than 22.3 million SMEs operating in a range of sectors including healthcare in the EU in 2015, employing some 90 million people, across the bloc Health as a Glance:Europe2016-State of Health in the EU Cycle. https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/26563/attachments/1/translations/en/.../pdf(cited July 28,2018) . These enterprises generated around 58% of the total added value (EUR 3.9 trillion), created some 85% of new jobs and around two-thirds of total private sector employment Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament,the European Council,the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: a renewed European Agenda for Research and Innovation-Europe¡¯s chance to shape its future:the Europe¡¯s chance to shape its future:the European Commssion¡¯s contribution to the informal EU Leaders¡¯meeting on innovation in Sofia on 16 May 2019. https://ec.europa.eu/info/files/com-2018-306-a-renewed-european-agenda-_for_research-and-innovation_may_2018_en_0.pdf(cited July 28, 2018) EU SME employment grew by 5.2% from 2013 to 2016, almost 50% faster than overall employment over the same period Are EU SMEs recovering from the crisis? Annual Report on EU Small and Medium Sized Enterprises 2010/2011. . There are many areas in which SMEs can and do have a major role to play, not least that of personal healthcare, including personalised medicine. One-tenth of the EU¡¯s GDP is spent on healthcare and the sector employs roughly 15 million people Draft joint Employment Report from the Commission and the Council accompanying the Communication from the Commission on the Annual Growth Survey 2018. https:¡¯¡®eurlex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/7uri=CLEX&3A52017DC0674(cited August 2, 2018). Healthcare is a unique area for innovation, and often health means wealth – whether that be driving economic growth and creating jobs or reducing costs across increasingly cash-strapped healthcare systems dealing with ageing populations and the attendant increases in co-morbidities and chronic diseases. Furthermore, 110 European regions have identified active and healthy ageing as a smart specialisation priority New initiatives to assist small enterprises to go international. https://eu.europa.eu/growth/content/new-initiatives-assist-small-enterprises-go-international-0_en(cited July 28, 2018) . SMEs have a major part to play, but there need to be tailored initiatives to support them for cross-border enterprise, at EU level and internationally, such as procurement initiatives which will increase incentives for the EU¡¯s trading partners to open up their public procurement markets Europe¡¯s IPO market heats up, and unicorns are getting in line. 3. Changes in the economic paradigm and the role of SMEs The advent of the New Normal era characterized by low growth, low price level, low interest rate and high unemployment rate. The deepening of the ¡®global value chain¡¯(GVC) structure and the 4th Industrial Revolution Revolution promoting the convergence of industries and the disappearance of industrial boundaries(2016 World Economic Forum). Inclusive growth has become an irreversible trend since 2012 and the trend of the U.S-centered protection trade. 4. Polices for Inclusive SME Health Entrepreneurship On the basis of engagement with national and EU policy-makers, politicians and policy experts, a summary has been made of the recommendations. Frameworks to support SMEs, Financing Data, Market access and Access to Information.Denis Horgan, Henk J. van Kranen, Servaas A. Morre, ¡°Optimising SME Potential in Modern Healthcare Systems: Challenges, Opportunities and Policy Recommendations,¡± Public Health Genomics, August 24, 2018., pp10~12. SMEs play pivotal role in enhancing SMEs global competitiveness and highly efficiency business models for creating better productivity in the globe. SMEs will be alternative role in maintaining sustainable advancement both management and productivity surrounded existing and foreseeable enviornments. Especially, E-Healthcare industry provides SMEs for another growing models. 5. SMEs and Korean economy and the value of small business standards In 2010¡¯s, SMEs¡¯ role is increasing as their competence is secured because of governmental supports for globalizaion and others. Yong-Hwan Noh, ¡°Status of Korean SMEs and Policy Tasks for the Implementation of SME-centered Economy,¡° 2017 KDI Journal of Economic Policy Conference Session 2. Performance of Small and Large Firms December 15, 2017. pp.1~2. Standardization benefits become apparent in all cases when a company must take into consideration the need for multiple editions of otherwise similar projects, perhaps using competing platfors from different vendors. Value comes from the ability to connect and work together with the products from other manufacturers, and the ability to share information across whole systems. Standardization helps reducing re-iteration of design and efforts intended to ensure interoperability, allowing SMEs to better concentrate into their core business. Users too benefit from the existence of standards, because they can design systems tailored to their needs while standing reasonably assured that the various parts fit together even if they come from different providers. This is especially the case for industrial domain applications, which are currently largely dominated by proprietary solutions. 6. IoT platforms landscape An loT platform can be defined as an intelligent layer that connects the things to the network and that abstracts applications from the things with the goal to enable the development of services. loT platforms achieve several main objectives such as flexibility(being able to deploy things in different contexts), usability(being able to make the user experience easy) and productivity(enabling service creation in order to improve efficiency, but also enabling new service development). An IoT platform facilitates communication, data flow, device management, and the functionality of applications. The goal is to build IoT applications within an IoT platform framework. An IoT platform allows applications to connect machines, devices, applications, and people to data and control centres. A.Gluhak, O.Vermessan, R.Bahr,F.Clari,T.Macchia,M.T.Delgado,A.Hoer,F.Boesenberg,M.Senigalliesi and V.Barchetti,¡°Report on IoT platform activities,¡±online II. Strategies for Seongnam City¡¯s E-Healthcare Industry Ecosystem 1. E-Health with Internet of Things The advantage of today¡¯s rapidly growing technological and innovation should be adopted to improve access to quality healthcare services for patients in their local health centres. Healthcare service delivery is the management and delivery of health services for comprehensive preventive and curative services, according to the needs of individuals over time and across various levels of health system. Quality healthcare services are important for increasing everyone¡¯s quality of health, gaining quick access into a healthcare system, preventing disease and disability, detecting and treating health conditions, and thus preventing dealth due to negligence. Access to healthcare, which is to improve the health and wellbeing of patients through the use of IoT and e-Health solutions. Mohd Ibrahim Bhat, Shariq Ahmad, Asif Amin, Suhail Ashraf, ¡®E-Health with Internet of Things,¡¯ IJCSMC, Vol.6,Issue 6, June 2017. p.357 2. Patient¡¯s EMR EMR As EMR(Electronic Medical Record), Concepts which all medical records should be recorded by electronic documents including OCS and PACS is a digital version of paper-based medical file records of an individual. EMR systems help to provide quick access to healthcare information remotely, at anytime and anywhere with the availability of loT technology. EMR takes away the process of structured or unstructured paper form, which could be cumbersome to access at a glance. The EMR of the patient will be updated continously throughout his or her stay in the healthcare, and linked to an RFID tag. 3. Architecuture framework for IoT The architecture framework for IoT enabled e-heal, can be best understood by visualizing the lifestyle of the various entities and their interactions. The life cycle of the device data is critical to understand and can be summarized as; Connection: The focus for this fuction is related to how the device is connceted to the ecosystem. Collection: The focus of this function is related to how data is collected from the sensor. The data can be pushed our pulled from the sensor. Correlation: The focus of this function is related to mapping the data to a context and does correlation to created meaningful and concise data that can be processed and be used to make decisions. Collaboration: The focus of this function is to enable the collaboration between the patient and the care teams. Mohd Ibrahim Bhat, Shariq Ahmad, Asif Amin, Suhail Ashraf, ¡®E-Health with Internet of Things,¡¯ IJCSMC, Vol.6,Issue 6, June 2017. p.359 4. Survey of the current situation for SMEs in standardization ETSI carried out an online survey of SMEs involved in ICT standardization between June and August 2009. The results obtained formed the core of objective information leading to conclustion on the status of SMEs in the ICT sector in Europe and the identification of possible solutions for overcoming weaknesses and maintaining existing strengths. The survey was distributed to almost 9000 ICT companies, mainly in the EU and more than 200 responses were received. Summarized results from this online survey are presented below. 5. Using and implementing standards More than two third of the companies saw technical compatibility as a reason for using and implementing standards, and more than 40% for each of the following: to conform to regulation; fulfill a customer requirements: and to achieve marketing advantages by compliance to standards. Nearly 80% of respondents who were ICT standards users claimed that technical compatibility was a reason for using or implementing standards, whereas only 45% of respondents who were ICT standards participants made a similar claim. The SMEs surveyed believe that their use of standards has had a positive impact on their companies¡¯ performance. Increased profitability, increased market share, and ease of entering new markets have emerged as clear benefits from the use of standards. Franck Le Gll and Martin Prager, ¡®ETSI White Paper No.6 Participation of SMEs in Standardization¡¯, ETSI, February 2011, pp.6~7. 6. How to build a platform There are various kinds of researches to define how to build a platform. Among them, I would like to suggest as following recommendations for building a platform. Separation & circulation of innovation & efficiency, Transaction cost decline facilitating the platform, A virtuous cycle of platform, efficiency and innovation is established, Robusiness, Efficiency Common elements are aggregate into a platform and Each element focuses on defferentiation Innovation. 7. Building three platforms & Collaboration platform ecosystem nuture startups, foster startups through accelerator competition at home and abroad scaleups, ensure collaboration and sharing through virtual ecosystem,global expansion and sharpen competitiveness to expand oversears through participation of hospitals and VC. 8. Marketing platform for E-Healthcare SMEs in 4th IR Era It is prerequsites to forstering and expanding the application of market¡¯s 020 in order to match and share what is shareable ensure efficiency in resource allocations and in remode control system whiach is a new management system based on blockchain technologies. Besides, it will enhance levels of reputation rather than fame scoring system in place to prevent market failure and establish innovation platform strengthening the growth potential maker¡¯s space which is a testbed for VR and 3D printing technologies to be integrated to AI education and foster talents using MOOC, Pbt. etc. Spreading Testbed for using blockchain, AI and content in order to revolutionize the capabilities of startups and the region at the same time through a platform that fuses the physical & virtual world. Platforms for analogue-to-digital projects based on IoT which is combined with hyperconnectivity of things based on best practices of heathcare service providers consisted of Remote treatment/wearables, Augumented/Virtual Reality, 3D Printing ecosystem of 3D printing market, Blockchain, EMRs, Blockchain-based PHR other accessiblity and security and Health verification service which is Proof-of-insurance, test results, prescriptions, status, condition, treatment, physical referrals. E-Health typed SMEs sharing of health research need to build up aggregated personal medical records, quantified self data commons(DNA bits), genome and conctome files, Purchase of medical supplies (In case of user) doctors and health practices bid to supply medical services, autumated bidding smart contract based on 4IR&Healthcare Industry Ecosystem. Create value by embracing 4IR which integrates the physical & real world to deliever the valu of prediction& personalization and address super-aging society set forth solutions for the super-aging society with connected and smart healthcare in order to ensure personalized healthcare establishing startups to build data for personalized precision medicine and harness for power AI. Cooperated with stakeholders which connect the dots between the government insurance companies, physicians, hospitals, clinic, patients and guidance by drawing an industry. III. The value of standards for digital SMEs 1. The value of standards Standardization benefits become apparent in all cases when a company must take into consideration the need for multiple editions of otherwise similar projedts, perhaps using competing platforms from different vendors. Value comes from the ability to conncet and work together with the products from other manufacturers, and the ability to share information across whole systems. Standardization helps reducing re-iteration of design and efforts intended to ensure interoperability, allowing SMEs to better concentrate into their core business. The key point is that users benefit from standardization because it opens up a wider array of choices from the market, so that they can choose according to their own criteria(e.g. quality, price, special features). In this way they can design systems tailored to their needs while standing reasonably assured that the various parts fit together even if they come from different providers. Therefore standardization can improve interoperability and a significant case is that of industrial domain application. 2. The role of Standardization for IoT IoT supports the developers community accelerating the development of IoT Transfer the competition from interoperability and platforms to services unloading the market, reduce the cost due to the silos approach and its management and enable inter-technology and inter-domain data sharing generating new services and new business opportunity based on Interworking multiservice framework, oneM2M 3. Seongnam Ecosystem Seongnam Ecosystem based on E-Health Industry fostering directons by major strategic hubs and Seongnam city surrounded by advanced 4th Industrial Revolution Platform spreads its industrial dynamic ecosystem based on innovation hubs Seongnam focuses on reinforcement and spreads business stategy implementations so called Pangyo Techno Valley focuses on Bio, ICT, Contents, 4IR leading technology(AI, Drone etc). Besides Bundang Techno Valley focuses on SW, Bio-Healthcare, Devices based on General Hospitals including CHA Medical University, SNUBH(Seoul National University Bundang Hospital), Jaesaeng Hospitals, etc.. Seongnam Hightech Valley(Joongwon district) focuses on knowledge based on manufacturing(Electronics, Medical Devices & Anti-aging Cosmetics, etc) Seungkwan LEE, ¡°Global Bio Strategy Seongnam for Asia Bio Belt,¡± 2018 SIMTC(Seongnam International Medical Tourism Convention), Seongnam City Hall, September 14, 2018. p.143. 4. Bio industry status and fostering policy-makings Bio industry will be reached 3 times than totals of semi-conductor, automobiles and Chemicals in 2030 by global forecasting researches. Korea Bio industry will be shared 1.7% among global markets. Korea Bio industry will be positions 3 biggest industry in the foreseeable future. Networking reinforcement, effective information infrastructures, business matching system based on ecosystem. Smart Healthcare and business chances for SMEs are losts of opportunities taking chances and quantum jumbs for newly created blue oceans especially BINT clusters based on medical services paradigm changes, spreads qualified self, smartphone diagnosis platforms, medical deata which increases by leaps and bounds and medical data will be analysed and used in various kinds of purposes technology developmen based on IoT, wearable devices connected AI(Artificial Intelligence). Healthcare industry provides innovative services for needs and increase social needs based on income improvement and care for e-Healthcare industry advancement and formations of newly created market oceans. 5. Seongnam city¡¯s Bio business entities and opportunities for E-Healthcare SMEs Bio business entities in Seongnam reaches about 600. Slow-aging and medical device clusters centered in Seongnam Hightech Valley. Bio(diagnosis) and invitro sectors centered Pangyo Techno Valley. IPO(Initial Public Offering) Bio consists of Invitro fields. Bundang Techno Park charaterizes in hospital based smart healthcare and invitro diagnosis including Aptamer science. Jaesaeing hospital based on pre-clinical and clinical trials infrastructure. 6. Results of Bio SMEs questionaires SMEs in Seongnam City based on realistic programs, manpower upgrade programs, collaboration models for SMEs, cluster strategy for Bio fileds including medical devices, anker enterprises in Bio and market penetration policy-making and strategy for Hospital specialists which views long-term basis programs, Pre and Clinical Trials requires tailored support programs based on each stages for R&B,D by Seamless R&B,D systems 7. Seongnam typed IoT in Action in Healthcare The IoT plays a significant role in a broad range of healthcare applications, from managing chronic diseases at on end of the spectrum to preventing disease at the other. Here are some examples of how its potential is already playing out: Clinical care: Hospitalized patients whose physiological status requires close attention can be constantly monitored using IoT-driven, noninvasive monitoring. This type of solution the cloud to analyze and store the information and then send the analyzed data wirelessly to caregivers for further analysis and review. It replaces the process of having a health professional come by at regular intervals to check the patient¡¯s vital signs, instead of vice-versa. These solutions can be used to securely capture patient health data from a variety of sensors, apply compex algorithms to analyze the data and then share it through wireless connectivity with medical professionals who can make appropriate health recommendations. David Niewolny, ¡°How the Internet of Things Is Revolutionizing Healthcare.¡± freescale.com/healthcare, October 2013., p.4. There is a variety of difficulties in the workplace of SMEs. Those difficulties are caused in various problems and it can only be diagnosed and treated by knowing the actual causes occuring in the work place. If necessary, an enterprise should conncet itself with various investment, financial institutions, manpower and professional marketing organizations to strengthen its constitution and stay with entrepreneurship to become a truly successful SMEs. Foundation of Seongnam Industry Promotion Agency has the ¡°2-3¡± policy, we analyzae work place for two days and find the solutions for threee days. Recently Seongnam City is emerging as the heart of the industries in Korea and also it is transforming into a self-sufficient city in economics. This is because Seongnam City was built with more preemptive investment and plans than any other local government and there was the great filed management backing the foundation of the city. SNIP(Seongnam Industry Promotion Agency), A Vibrant Industrial City for Vibrant People with Deligence, 2018. pp.8~9. IV. Business opportunities for SMEs 1. Digital Health for SMEs There is great potential in digital health for SMEs in terms of business opportunities. There is a dynamic ang growing market. But there is also a lot that digital health and European health and care systems can gain from the innovations coming from SMEs. It is often the SMEs that are able to be more flexible and thus also more reponsive to users¡¯needs and open to try out new solutions. 2. Biotech market forecasting The German medical biotech market is valued at USD 1.6 billion with over 600 dedicated local players generating revenue of EUR 3.54 billion. In addition, most pharma giants such as Bayer, Merck, Boehringer and U.S. subsidiaries (Pfizer, Amgen, etc.) have their own biotech development in pre-clinical pharma, and also license in/out. There are good opportunities for US biotech startups/SMEs to seek partnerships with large pharmacy in Germany and incubator/accelerator partnerships. h Healthcare Medical record exchange with FHIR(Fast Healthcare Interpoerability Resources) using blockchain-based tech provdies physician requests records by digitally signing the request with private key. Hospital verifies physician request with provider public signing key and recognizes permissioned access. Original electronic file itself remains in secure hospital database. Market research company Global Market Insights predicts the digital health market will reach 379 million by 2024, led by the continued emergence of health care IT coupled with growing smartphone penetration. V. Conclusion In conclustion, it is necessary to make an endeavours to experience the shortcomings of imbalanced development facing the 4th IR Era and pursue the foundation with better valuable models for successful E-Health SMEs infrasture. It is important for us to evaluate diagnois fields and treatment fields for E-Healthcare industry. Diagnosis parts are composed of IoT embedded software and support applications rather than devices for treament. Besides it is prerequistes to having flexible response to change policy platform construction and operaton and enhance global productivity focusing on applying to small business standards of IoT & E-Healthcare in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era based on the expansion of Seongnam Bio Cluster ecosystem and other cherieshed application models for Bio SMEs industry in the globe. Smart Management Consulting(300) : Agency related Seamless Platforms for Biohealthcare SMEs About 70% of Unicorns pursues to pivotal role in O2O convergence fields based on unmet needs. They accomplish unmet needs using platforms and intelligence technology. In reality Werner Vogels, CTO of Amazon defines Amazon is a sort of agency listening to consumers' voices by active listening. Amazon had no genius reading futures and its achievements based on customer's repetitive listening and wants data. In reality, Amazon's service is composed of 90% of customer's needs. These principles also apply to R&B,D platforms for SMEs because of its valuation creation and performance in the markets. Wants based R&BD Platform is core infrastructures for seamless functions in 4th Industrial Revolution Era. As an approach for innovation and challenges for taking initiatives in the industry, It is important for concerned parties to cope with unexpected and contingency enviornments. Medical Device Industrial Promotion Foundation provides effective platforms for collaborating with innovative hospitals creating innovative solutions for Biohealthcare SMEs. It is prerequisites to reflecting on IRB based hospital connected platforms for seamless R&BD based. |
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